I asked the participants the two series of words how many words from each list that they could remember. The average between the two was about 7 words from each. When I asked if all of these were correct 1 out of the 2 had gotten a couple of the words wrong. This is due to each set of words being in the same categories. the Second participant stated "I figured it was all medical stuff so it had there had to be doctor on there" while the other did not. It didn't really strike him until I showed them the video where a woman wrongly accused a man of rape but in her head believed she was 100% straight. She had also said that while the man was raping her she tried to focus on any detail she could in order to find this man. This is how the wrong man was convicted due to the fact that the men had the same facial features. The same way one of the participants input the word doctor because he had no more true answers and had to recollect on the features of the list. Both participants agreed that it wasn't the lady's or the man's fault rather it was at the fault of the system that the woman was put through to find the accuser by photo identification.This goes to show that an eye witness system isn't always accurate even if the accuser believes they are telling the truth.
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