
Showing posts from February, 2018

Personality Assessment

     Personality Assessments in general asks a series of questions that reflect on the actions one does in everyday life. For instance, some questions will ask how accurate a statement like "I am a brainiac" or "I like order" is in describing who you are. After this series of questions, in an almost point system manner it will tally up what attributes you likely have. I believe these tests can be important because the results not only show the good side of your personality but the bad side of the personality.      I chose to do the big 5 personality test which tests on the personality traits of conscientiousness, openness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. These traits are broad terms that tend to be really complex. I scored at least 48%  all of these. Now I have taken the big 5 before in High School and who I am now and who I was then are not different people but some of my personality traits have differed. I believe this has to do in par...

Behind Intelligence

     My first semester at college, I was at Oklahoma State University taking Chemistry as one of my very first classes at a university. To say the least, the class had about 300 kids in it and I found learning a science in this environment was a tough task. Whether it was the kid behind me that sounded like a cow eating grass smacking on his gum or the fact that due to the large population of the class, the professor liked to just lecture and have us go home to study and practice problems. I failed this class miserably. This devastated me because for the longest time I had always believed I was a smart kid. It wasn't until I got through this first semester that I began to realize that my ignorance to how a big university works was my downfall. At a place where class size is very large, using utilities that are provided is a must. There are free tutor sessions, office hours, and RA sessions that have been proven to improve students grades and I chose not to use any of thes...

Sensation and Perception

     Together we as people are able to understand each others realities but it may all be seen different by each individual. This can be for obvious reasons like someone having a loss of senses (blindness or being deaf) to not so noticeable differences like Synesthesia, a blending of our senses, which in many cases the person who has this doesn't even know they have it. The adaption of the human brain through the uses of past experiences is the building block on how we perceive just about everything in the present.      Kelly Flynn lost her hearing at an early age due to an infection in the ear causing hair cells in the inner ear that are responsible for translating sound vibrations into nerve impulses by tiny hair cells lining the Cochlea. Through this she wasn't able to hear her words causing her to be able to not be understood when she spoke and had to learn sign language. Kelly had the opportunity to get a Cochlear Transplant, which is an insertion of ...

Functions of the Brain

     The human brain is a truly amazing machine; not only a machine but a machine made up of millions of microscopic machines all working together to form many things like perception, thought processes, memories, and senses. There are countless things being discovered about the brain everyday and it seems like the past 25 years has really opened up the worlds eyes on just how we really think. For the purpose of this blog I would like to divide the brain into two broad sections. One being how the brain forms and behaves through different stages in our lives and how our brain tends to perceive the world around us. Though these might seem hand in hand our thought processes can change completely while our perception on certain senses can be tricked into seeing something totally opposite of what it truly is.      Grey Matter is the darker matter in our brain and spinal cord consisting of mostly nerve cells and dendrites. This is an important topic discussing ou...