Personality Assessment
Personality Assessments in general asks a series of questions that reflect on the actions one does in everyday life. For instance, some questions will ask how accurate a statement like "I am a brainiac" or "I like order" is in describing who you are. After this series of questions, in an almost point system manner it will tally up what attributes you likely have. I believe these tests can be important because the results not only show the good side of your personality but the bad side of the personality. I chose to do the big 5 personality test which tests on the personality traits of conscientiousness, openness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. These traits are broad terms that tend to be really complex. I scored at least 48% all of these. Now I have taken the big 5 before in High School and who I am now and who I was then are not different people but some of my personality traits have differed. I believe this has to do in par...